Programme 2024-25

All meetings are held in Mill End Community Centre, Church Lane, Rickmansworth, WD3 8HD unless otherwise stated. Meetings start at 7.30pm with the notices followed immediately with the demonstration. Doors open at 7pm to allow for social chat. Guests are welcome for a fee of £7 on the door.

Thursday September 5th Tom Way Fine Art Photography

Thursday 3rd October AGM plus a talk to be confirmed

Thursday 7th November Ronnie Ireland Figures

Thursday 5th December Christmas Social

Thursday 9th January Jonathan Newey Wildlife in landscape in watercolour

Thursday 6th February TBC

Thursday 6th March Rodney Kingston Landscape in oils

Thursday 3rd April TBC

Thursday 1st May TBC

Thursday 5th June Nicky Hunter Loose florals in watercolour

Thursday 3rd July Summer Social